
Startup Weekend Tokyo @Tokyo Tech

Fri, 16 Feb 2018 17:30 - Sun, 18 Feb 2018 22:00 JST

Tokyo Tech 

2-12-1Oookayama, Meguro-ku,Tokyo


Registration is closed

Get invited to future events

Normal ¥9,000 prepaid
Students ¥5,000 prepaid
Sunday[Party&Audience] Ticket ¥3,500 prepaid
with 7 times meals & drinks


Notice !

Facilitator will speak in Japanese mainly.
A few organizers are able to speak English, however we can't promise to full support to translate for participants.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

What is Startup Weekend Tokyo?

Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if startup ideas are viable. On average, half of Startup Weekend’s attendees have technical or design backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds.

Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.


Shingo Hiranuma
株式会社SnSnap Chief Technical Officer

Yudai Akisada
株式会社ジェネストリーム Chief Executive Officer

Shunichiro Kaneshiro
株式会社misosil Chief Executive Officer


Hitoshi Araki
株式会社meleap Chief Architect Officer

Hiraku Sakamoto
Associate Professor / Tokyo Institute of Technology,Schoolof Engineering,Mechanical system

Chikako Morimoto
Adjunct Associate Professor / Tokyo Institute of Technology,School of Computing,Project management ,Management system

Kazuaki Inaba
Associate Professor / Tokyo Institute of Technology,School of Environment and Society,Material Mechanics,Machine Material

Katsuhiro Suzuki
Associate Professor / J. F. Oberlin University


Hiroyuki Okada
株式会社みらい創造機構 President and CEO

Hiroshi Sasaki
プライマルキャピタル Managing Partner

Hideki Ota
株式会社スクールウィズ Chief Executive Officer

Asatani Haruki
株式会社LOUPE Chief Executive Officer,Co-founder


Ayuko Imamura

Mina Narimatsu


Kazue Matsumoto

Satomi Iijima

Haruka Taguchi

Call us biased, but we think that there are dozens of reasons why you should come to a Startup Weekend! Since we know your time is valuable, we’ll only list the top eight:

Startup Weekends are all about learning through the act of creating. Don’t just listen to theory, build your own strategy and test it as you go.

Build your network:
This isn’t just a happy-hour. Startup Weekend attracts your community’s best makers and do-ers. By spending a weekend working to build scalable companies that solve real-world problems, you will build long-lasting relationships and possibly walk away with a job or even an investor.

Co-Founder Dating:
We all know it’s not just about the idea – it’s about the team. Startup Weekend is hands down the best way to find someone you can actually launch a startup with.

Learn a new skill:
Step outside of your comfort zone. With a whole weekend dedicated to letting your creative juices flow, Startup Weekends are perfect opportunities to work on a new platform, learn a new programming language, or just try something different.

Actually launch a business:
Over 36% of Startup Weekend startups are still going strong after 3 months. Roughly 80% of participants plan on continuing working with their team or startup after the weekend.

Get face time with thought leaders:
Local tech and startup leaders participate in Startup Weekends as coaches and judges. Get some one-on-one time with the movers and shakers in your community.

Save money & get stuff:
Your ticket covers seven meals, snack, access to exclusive resources from our sponsors, and of course, all the coffee you can drink.

Join a global community:
Join over 200,000 Startup Weekend alumni, all on a mission to change the world.

■ Startup Weekend "Text Book" on "1 minute Idea Pitch" by Dave McClure
(You will see link to the original Dave McClure text )

◆If you have question, please feel free to email;

◆Web site


About this community

Startup Weekend Tokyo

Startup Weekend Tokyo

Startup Weekends is an amazing opportunity to connect with other passionate and skilled individuals, and perhaps even find a co-founder or two to transform your idea into reality. Learn more about...

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