8th floor, NOF Tameike Building 1-1-14, Akasaka, Minato-ku
Registration is closed
Every so often a technology comes along that completely changes the way we interact with our world, and with one another. Televisions gave the world shared experiences. Phones made the world smaller. The Internet made it infinitely connected. But what about a technology that lets you step into different worlds? A technology so immersive that it can belie your senses, transport you across the world, and even put you on other planets.
How can we harness this technology in the service of society? Through art, like video games and other interactive experiences? Or, through immersive applications that fundamentally alter the rules of what’s possible across distances?
We’re calling on virtual visionaries to join us at the American Center Japan for a weekend of thoughtful proposals, careful iteration and nuanced critique through which we can arrive at economically sustainable ideas with the potential to effect change. This program is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Tokyo, so we’ll even take a little time out to think about how VR can change diplomacy and help us communicate across cultures.
So put on your VR goggles and spend a weekend with like-minded technologists in pursuit of VR’s break-through application.
Welcome to StartupWeekend – you’ve come to the right place.
Dedicating a weekend to pushing the boundaries of reality…
Virtual reality (Including Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality)
A pitch must be related to virtual reality technology.
Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs can find out if startup ideas are viable. On average, half of Startup Weekend’s attendees have technical or design backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds.
Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams focus on customer development, validating their ideas, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable product. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes and receive valuable feedback from a panel of experts.
Are you ready for Startup Weekend Tokyo VR? JOIN US!
Learn, Network, Startup! The hardest part of starting up is starting out. At Startup Weekend, you'll be immersed in the ideal environment for startup magic to happen. Join us for a weekend of co-creation, networking, business mentoring, and vision-sharing. We offer the inspiration, people and tools you need to start up and run your business in Tokyo! Tap into the growing vitality and success of women in business internationally, to unleash your entrepreneurial vision and your business tiger!
Founded in 2007, the NPO Startup Weekend is found across 150 countries, from Aman to New Zealand, hosting 2,900 events around the world, and bringing together 193,000 people into 23,000 teams. Startup Weekend Japan hosts 1-2 monthly events, on specific themes such as healthcare, education, tourism and technology. For upcoming events, visit tokyo.startupweekend.org.
Learn what it really takes to start a company. It's less than you imagine!
Find the resources you have available to launch a viable business in Tokyo.
Leave knowing the next steps you need to take on your road to success.
Connect and collaborate with people driven to build something new.
Get one-on-one time with thought leaders in your community!
Pitch to like-minded people committed to launching a startup in 54 hours.
It’s that simple. Startup Weekend is designed to get you going, FAST.
SW is not ideason, Hackathon, business plan contest.
Discover customer's problem. We will build up the product and repeat the verification of the appropriateness of the hypothesis and the solution to the problem. It will be a challenge to how much we can achieve this within a limited time of 54 hours.
Everything necessary for team startup is a condensed program, and SW is also the name of the community for those who continue to challenge. An event called an organizer, which has always been one or more participants' experiences, has been created by the members of the management member, and the community is established by members qualified as facilitators to protect the value of the brand.
"Startup Weekend Tokyo VR" which will be held this time will be a SW as a "theme event" set as the theme "utilization of technology on VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality), MR (mixed reality) . Participants who want to announce ideas on the first day and want to recruit team members need to pitch 60 seconds along this theme. Also the final pitch in the evening of the last day must be in line with the theme.
Experts on VR, start-ups, and venture investments will join the event as coaches to assist the participating aspiring entrepreneurs in refining their business fundamentals and their pitches.
・多田 浩二 様 (ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント ジャパンアジア 戦略企画部ビジネスプランニング部・課長)
1994年株式会社ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント入社。 ディレクターとして複数のPlayStation®タイトルを制作。その後モーションキャプチャースタジオ、サウンドチームのマネジメントに従事し、2000年よりプロデューサーとして複数のタイトル制作に携わる。2013年よりソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメントジャパンアジアにてディベロッパーリレーション業務を担当。現在はPlayStation®VRのプロジェクト推進を担当。
・Mr. Chivleng Tony Lim (Strategist for the US Embassy)
Tony is a Tokyo based innovator and strategist for the US Embassy forging new ground in digital diplomacy, global IT infrastructure and IT business management. He is helping lead the department’s efforts in using robust cloud based solutions and streamlining business processes. He holds a Bachelors in Computer Engineering and a Masters in International Relations with a minor in Business. Prior to joining the Department of State, he worked as a software developer for the University of California helping manage their web development department. His passion is in enhancing tech literary an open source projects. He has helped organize and coach StartUp weekends around the globe, from Cambodia to the Dominican Republic and now in Japan. A father of two kids, his hobbies include snowboarding, surfing and hiking.
・石井 純平 様 (株式会社フューチャーアーキテクト)
・杉本 誠司 様 (株式会社Exa Seeds 代表取締役)
・長谷川 晶一 様 (東京工業大学)
情報システムを生活や楽しみを含む我々の暮らしに活かすためには、情報世界を魅力的にするバーチャルリアリティ技術と、情報世界を我々のいる現実世界と繋ぐヒューマンインタフェースが重要になる。 長谷川(晶)研究室では、実世界の現象や作業を情報世界に再現するリアルタイムシミュレーション、人や動物などを情報世界に登場させるバーチャルヒューマン、触感を伝える力触覚インタフェースを中心にバーチャルリアリティ、ヒューマンインタフェースの研究を進めている。
・Mr. Kevin Rubesh (Information Management Officer with the United States Department of State)
Kevin Rubesh is an Information Management Officer with the United States Department of State. His role is to manage the Information Technology network and telecommunications infrastructure, systems and programs at U.S. Embassies and Consulates, focusing special attention on using innovative and emerging technologies to advance internal collaboration, public outreach and diplomacy. Tokyo is Kevin’s sixth overseas assignment, following postings at U.S. Embassies and Consulates in Zimbabwe, Oman, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica and Jerusalem. Prior to joining the Department of State, Kevin worked as a IT Consultant, focusing on business application support, systems analysis and design, and application development.
・福田 浩士 様 (株式会社meleap CEO)
東京大学大学院卒業後、株式会社リクルートに就職。2014年に独立し、株式会社meleapを設立。”かめはめ波”を撃ちたいという想いから「HADO(ハドー)」を作りだす。AR・ウェアラブル技術により憧れの”技”を放ち、戦いあう「HADO」は、 新しいスポーツの形として注目を集めている。2016年より、AR/VR初の大会「HADO WORLD CUP」も開催。ヒザがガクガク震えるほど世界を面白くする!をテーマに掲げ、活動を行う。
・久保田 瞬 様 (Mogura VR 編集長)
VR専門メディア Mogura VR 編集長。
ネトゲ廃人から国家公務員、ベンチャー企業勤務を経て、現職。VRジャーナリスト。国内外を取材で飛び回り、VR業界・VRコンテンツなどの最新情報、動向に精通。Mogura VRでは"VRを「あたりまえ」に。”をキャッチコピーに、VRの普及と業界の盛り上げを目指してメディアなど各種事業を展開中。
The facilitator of this event will basically proceed with English. This is because many participants from other countries than originating in the United States and people from the sponsorship are present. However, you can either use English or Japanese for the language of the first 60 days of the individual on the first day and the final pitch at the team of the last day. If pitching in Japanese, simultaneous interpreters will be available.
【Name】: Startup Weekend Tokyo VR
【Date and time】: May 19th (Fri) 2017, 18:30 ~ Opening May 21st (Sunday) 21: 00 Closing
【Venue】: American Center JAPAN
[Address]: 8-1 Floor Nomura Real Estate Tameike Building 1-1-14 Akasaka Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 (7 minutes walk from Tameike Sanno Station)
[Provided from the host]: 7 meals (dinner on the first day, morning, noon and dinner on the 2nd and 3rd days), soft drinks, special T-shirt
[NOT Provided from the host] We don't provide Computers, Head Mount Display, Software, API etc. So if it is necessary for you to use those things, please bring them or book VR developing facilities before joining this event.
[Number of people planning to participate] : 50
※ This event can be held free with the support of the U.S. Embassy. Normal Startup Weekend is charged.
Just like other Startup Weekend, there is no requirement for any qualifications, skills, experience etc that are essential to participate.
However, we especially welcome those who fulfill one of the following requirements.
"Have experiences and knowledge on VR / AR / MR technology or marketing utilizing them"
"Have business start-up experience or experience and knowledge of community management"
"Strongly interested in solving problems in somewhat business domain or social issues with technology"
※ In order to make the participation fee free this time, it is expected that it will become many applicants.
If there are many applicants, we will decide the winners referring to the profile etc, so please approve the application and apply for it.
We will contact the winner by the secretariat by 5/12 (Friday) by e-mail.
the secretariat of Startup Weekend Tokyo VR
mail: sw-tokyo-vr★googlegroups.com (Please change ★ to @)
Startup Weekends is an amazing opportunity to connect with other passionate and skilled individuals, and perhaps even find a co-founder or two to transform your idea into reality. Learn more about...
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