東京都新宿区西新宿6-24-1 西新宿三井ビルディング23F
Student ticket | 6,000円 前払い |
Normal ticket | 9,000円 前払い |
Last day presentation + networking party | 3,500円 前払い |
Includes 7 meals and ton of fun and inspiration |
Try discussion and presentation in English! Don't miss the chance to get Global Startup network.
The hardest part of starting up is starting out. At Startup Weekend, you'll be immersed in the ideal environment for startup magic to happen.
In just 54 hours, you will experience the highs, lows, fun, and pressure that make up life at a startup. As you learn how to create a real company, you'll meet the very best mentors, investors, cofounders, and sponsors who are ready to help you get started.
It doesn't matter whether you have an idea for a company, are great at pitching or not, or even interested in the whole startup thing. We'll guide you through the process of creating a team, brainstorming about an idea, validating it, presenting it to other people, and hopefully creating an amazing proof of concept (or hell, maybe an MVP) by the end of the weekend.
Since this event is held during the Global Startup Week (November 11-13 & 18-20), there will be hundreds of events around the world going on at the same time.
By participating in Global Startup Weekend, you have the ability to connect with thousands of entrepreneurs around the world, and the chance to be featured on a global level.
With the English version of the event we are aiming to bring together people from various countries and cultures that would otherwise be unable to participate due to the language barrier, to work on their ideas in diverse, multi-cultural teams.
Our coaches and judges will also be from various countries and will be able to speak to and coach you completely in English.
For Japanese, this is a chance to join up with people from abroad to make startup magic happen!
We'll be providing almost everything you need during the weekend. This includes food, and writing/brainstorming materials.
Language wise, if you have basic English communication skills you'll be just fine.
We'll be doing pitches for ideas on Friday night, which you will have to prepare in English. Pitches will last 60 seconds, and you won't be able to use any slides/deck, so it's good to think a bit about what you are going to say beforehand.
We are planning to hold a pitching boot camp sometime in the weeks leading up to the weekend, so stay tuned (more information about this as soon as we have it).
In the meantime, this blog post by Dave McClure should give you some pointers on what is important: http://tokyo.startupweekend.org/2010/11/10/your-solution-is-not-my-problem/
The follow post might also help you structure your idea in a way that will allow you to convey the important information during the 60 seconds you have: http://blog.pitcherific.com/got-elevator-pitch-straight/
During Sunday, every team presents their idea/company to a panel of several judges comprised of industry leaders, which will give you final feedback on how to proceed (after Startup Weekend?), and ultimately decide a 'winner' for the weekend.
KAWADA Shogo 川田 尚吾
Investor, DeNA Co., Ltd. Advisor 投資家、株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー顧問
1996 Ph.D ( Engineering ) at Tokyo Metropolitan University
1996 started his career at McKinsey & Company
1999 Co-founded DeNA Co., Ltd. as COO
led Service Development, Systems Development, Sales Dept. launch, Marketing operations, etc. to secure its business environment.
2008 Part-time Director of DeNA Co., Ltd.
2011 〜 Advisor of DeNA Co., Ltd.
Currently, mainly focusing on investment and support for startups in Japan, US and Europe.
Visiting Professor at Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT).Yuki Torii 鳥居 佑輝
2007~2012 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
2012~2015 Director at East Ventures, KK.
2016~ Senior Director at East Ventures, KK.
2015 CEO at Universal Bank, Inc.
Currently, creating Equity Crowdfunding Platform at Universal Bank, Inc.Darren Menabney
Coach at IDEO U, Faculty at GLOBIS School of Management
Darren spent over 20 years in Canada working for the federal government as the Departments of Revenue, Industry, Foreign Affairs, and Defence. His career in government was consistently outward-focused, working to engage business and academia to support the innovation ecosystem in Canada. Darren’s roles covered R&D incentive programs, business development, technology transfer, innovation strategy, building partnerships, and diplomacy. After coming to Japan in 2011 to study at GLOBIS, Darren made a radical career pivot. He now leads global HR programs at a major Japanese multinational. As faculty at GLOBIS, he teaches courses on Business Presentation and Critical Thinking. Darren also works with IDEO U as a coach for the online Storytelling for Influence course.
An opportunity to lead a public outreach program in Canada led to his lifelong interest in becoming a better speaker and presenter. His passion is to help others become better communicators, and to find their own unique styles as presenters.
Darren has a Bachelor’s degree in Astrophysics from the University of Toronto, and an MBA from GLOBIS.
We'll be bringing in several coaches during the event that will be available Saturday afternoon to help you with any problems you might have. These coaches will come from a variety of sectors and countries, and will be ideally suited to helping you to succeed with their respective expertise.
Peter K.
He is a co-founder of hardware start-up that is currently in stealth mode and has recently graduated from accelerator program in US. Previously he founded and organized start-up communities in Singapore and even co-founded a co-working space there. He also helped originate investments for institutional investors as well as invested in fin-tech start-up himself.
Hidemaru Sato 佐藤 英丸
Senior Adviser, btrax Japan LLC シニア・アドバイザー、ビートラックス・ジャパン合同会社
Hidemaru Sato is Senior Adviser for btrax Japan, LLC and has served in his role since September 2014. Prior to joining btrax Japan LLC, Sato worked for MarkMonitor Japan as General Manager and also simultaneously worked for Thomson Reuter Professional KK as Senior Director of Brand Protection, and also worked for Comscore Japan as Managing Director.
Before joining Comscore, Sato worked for Expedia Japan as Managing Director and also worked for Abacus Japan K.K., a division of DoubleClick, Inc. as Managing Director. He implemented and developed Abacus cooperative database into Japanese database marketing industry.
Sato holds an MA in Science from Waseda University and an Master of Science from Stanford University.Innella Giovanni インネッラ・ジョバンニ
Assistant Professor at Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology 産業技術大学院大学 助教
Giovanni is a designer, design educator and critic who had experience in product, service/interaction design, as well as conceptual design, exploring the boundaries of design and art. Recently he has been involved in curatorship projects in Europe and Asia.
http://aiit.ac.jp/master_program/ide/professor/g_innella.htmlTim Romero ティム・ロメロ
Four-time Founder, Investor, Podcaster
Tim Romero is a Tokyo-based entrepreneur, podcaster, and author who has started several companies since coming to Japan more than 20 years ago. Tim hosts the Disrupting Japan podcast and is deeply involved in Japan's startup community as an investor, founder and mentor.
Jay Winder ジェイ・ウィンダー
Founder and CEO at MakeLeaps
Jay Winder arrived to Japan in 2001 originally to study martial arts. In 2003, Jay set up his first company doing IT infrastructure, which was acquired by a multi-national IT company. In 2010, Jay co-founded a SaaS company called MakeLeaps, that helps Japanese freelancers, businesses and enterprise manage their invoicing in the cloud. Reach him on Twitter at @itsjaydesu, or by email at jay@makeleaps.com.
(We'll post more details about the Judges and the coaches as they become available)
11月11日 (Fri) | 11月12日(Sat) | 11月13日 (Sun) |
18:30 Dinner & Networking | 09:00 Breakfast | 09:00 Breakfast |
18:50 Welcome | 12:00 Lunch | 13:00 Lunch |
19:00 Introduction | 14:00 Mentoring | 15:00 Last presentation setup |
20:00 1 minute pitches | 18:00 Dinner | 15:30 Tech Check |
20:50 Discussion & Voting | 22:00 End of day | 17:00 Final Presentations |
21:00 Building Teams | 19:00 Dinner & Judging | |
22:00 End of evening | 19:30 Party Time! | |
21:00 Time to go home! |
You can also find updates for this event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swtokyointernational/
Facilitator TSUNODA Yoshihiko, TANAKA Kei
Organizer Kevin Cong, Kana Igarashi, Bart Riepe, Miyoshi Fujii, Matsuda Shuhei, Mariko Higuchi, Gilles Dqn
※ Cancellation notice: 100% reimbursement CANNOT be done after Monday Nov 7th 0:00 (12AM) due to our food arrangements. Thank you for your understanding.
Startup Weekend 東京コミュニティです。 Startup Weekend(スタートアップ・ウィークエンド)は、全世界で7,000回以上開かれ、世界中で50万人以上が参加しているスタートアップ実践イベントで、金曜日の夜から日曜日までの54時間で仲間づくりをしながらアイデアのプロトタイプを作りあげる起業のコミュニティです。スタートアップウィークエンドは国際的なNPO組織の名前でもあ...