
Startup Weekend Tokyo@xBridge-Kyobashi

Fri, 13 Dec 2024 18:30 - Sun, 15 Dec 2024 21:00 JST


東京都中央区京橋3-6-18 東京建物京橋ビル5階


Registration is closed

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[Normal] 3-day ticket (student) ¥5,000 prepaid
[Normal] 3-day ticket (working adults) ¥9,000 prepaid
[Final day] Presentation viewing + networking event participation ticket ¥2,500 prepaid
[Super early bird discount] 3-day ticket *Limited quantity ¥4,500 prepaid
[Early Bird] 3-day ticket *Limited quantity ¥6,500 prepaid
The 3-day ticket includes the cost of seven meals and all beverages during the event. (Accommodation costs are not included.)



What is Startup Weekend?

Startup Weekend (SW) is an "entrepreneurial experience event" designed to create new forms of business. Over the weekend, participants learn methodologies to shape their ideas and gain real startup experience.
SW begins on Friday night with a "60-second pitch," where dozens of participants present their ideas for 60 seconds each. Ideas selected through participant voting are formed into teams of three or more. By 5 p.m. on Sunday, teams develop a minimal viable business model based on user experience.

Participants choose roles as hackers, hustlers, or designers. Hackers handle the development of functions and products, hustlers manage customer development and validation, and designers focus on improvements based on learning.

SW is not an ideathon, hackathon, or business plan contest. It challenges teams to discover customer problems, build products, and repeatedly test hypotheses and solutions within the limited 54-hour timeframe. The program condenses everything needed for startup entrepreneurship and represents a community for those who continue to take on challenges. Events are organized by members who have participated at least once and are facilitated by certified members who uphold the brand’s values.

About this community

Startup Weekend Tokyo

Startup Weekend Tokyo

Startup Weekends is an amazing opportunity to connect with other passionate and skilled individuals, and perhaps even find a co-founder or two to transform your idea into reality. Learn more about...

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