東京都渋谷区渋谷2-24-12 渋谷スクランブルスクエア(東棟)15階
Registration is closed
【Early Bird】3-Day Ticket (Women) | ¥5,000 prepaid |
【Early Bird】3-Day Ticket (Non-Women) In case of a large number of applications, a lottery may be held. | ¥5,000 prepaid |
【Regular】3-Day Ticket (Women) | ¥6,500 prepaid |
【Regular】3-Day Ticket (Non-Women) In case of a large number of applications, a lottery may be held. | ¥6,500 prepaid |
【Final Day】Presentation Viewing + Networking Event Ticket | ¥2,500 prepaid |
The 3-day ticket includes the cost of seven meals and all beverages during the event. (Accommodation costs are not included.) |
Participants choose roles as hackers, hustlers, or designers. Hackers handle the development of functions and products, hustlers manage customer development and validation, and designers focus on improvements based on learning.
SW is not an ideathon, hackathon, or business plan contest. It challenges teams to discover customer problems, build products, and repeatedly test hypotheses and solutions within the limited 54-hour timeframe. The program condenses everything needed for startup entrepreneurship and represents a community for those who continue to take on challenges. Events are organized by members who have participated at least once and are facilitated by certified members who uphold the brand’s values.
Scenes from Startup Weekend Tokyo Women 2014
The event from 2014 is featured on My Eyes Tokyo. Please take a look: Part 1: https://www.myeyestokyo.jp/49400 Part 2: https://www.myeyestokyo.jp/49504
Day 3 (Sunday 9:00–21:00) The final day. Teams will finalize their presentations. In the evening, judges will be invited. From 5 p.m., each team will give a 5-minute final presentation followed by a 5-minute Q&A with the judges. The winning team will be decided and announced by the judges based on three criteria: "customer validation," "solution implementation and design," and "business model."
The key takeaway is that the end of these three days marks the beginning. We hope you come and experience it! It will be an unforgettable three days, but how memorable it will be is up to you. We look forward to meeting you!
3. Receipts Available Online
Receipts can be issued via DoorKeeper. For instructions, please refer to the following URL:
4. Filming and Livestreaming
We may film and livestream parts of the event, including the final presentations. If you do not wish to be recorded, please inform the organizers in advance.
Startup Weekends is an amazing opportunity to connect with other passionate and skilled individuals, and perhaps even find a co-founder or two to transform your idea into reality. Learn more about...
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