
Startup Weekend Tokyo International

Fri, 25 Apr 2014 18:30 - Sun, 27 Apr 2014 22:00 JST

gumi Tokyo office

4 Chome-34-7 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku (住友不動産西新宿ビル5号館) 4F


Registration is closed

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¥9,000 prepaid / ¥10,000 at the door
Includes 7 meals and much more


Startup Weekend Tokyo International will be like a usual Startup Weekend in Tokyo.

Just one difference: we'll do it all in English

Bringing together diverse people

With this event we are aiming to bring together many people from various countries and cultures, to work on their ideas in diverse, multi-cultural teams during the event.

Our coaches and judges will also be from various countries.

Requirements for the participants

Nothing special, if you have basic English communication skills you'll be fine.

For the Friday night pitches, if you'd like to pitch your idea, we would like to ask you to prepare your pitch in English.

What is Startup Weekend?

Find more details about Startup Weekend from our official event site:

About this community

Startup Weekend Tokyo

Startup Weekend Tokyo

Startup Weekends is an amazing opportunity to connect with other passionate and skilled individuals, and perhaps even find a co-founder or two to transform your idea into reality. Learn more about...

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